17 июня 2015 года компания IBM опубликовала пакет обновлений Fix Pack 4 к IBM Domino версии R 9.0.1
В 9.0.1 Fix Pack 4 обновлена встроенная в Notes/Domino JVM до версии 1.6 SR16 FP4 для повышения уровня безопасности и добавлена поддержка браузера Safari 8 для клиента iNotes
Также по информации от IBM в нем содержится 127 исправлений.
Мы публикуем список основных улучшений:
Клиент IBM Notes
IFAY9QZGKG (LO82854) - Fixes issue where when a user attempts to add a private Google calendar to their Notes calendar, the error "Must be a calendar user to use Google Calendar private feeds" is received. (technote 1690894)
NNBN999LWB (LO76096) - Fixes issue where meetings sent from Outlook as rich text format, arrive in Notes as plain text emails. (technote 1511942)
JSTN9QJV73 (LO82640) - Fixes intermittent Notes Client crash on Startup / Launch
+IFAY9PMFDX (LO82254) - Fixes issue where the Notes Client refuses to launch after doing "Show Duplicate Calendar Entries". This is a regression in 9.0.1.
SHEZ9P3KAP (LO82001) - Fixes install failure when installing 9.0.1 FP2 or 9.0.1 FP3 on Windows due to low memory condition in Java.
RCFE9K5TRJ (LO80436) - Fixes Notes Client scaling issues with high screen resolutions.
+LQPG9SPCL4 (LO83822) - Fixes Notes Client hang when pasting certain Mac clipboard content (screenshot, Keynote, etc) into a Notes Rich Text Field. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP3.
SHEZ9DCEWP (LO77845) - Fixes issue where the 'All Mail and Archives' search does not work when sever based archived policy is in place.
Сервер IBM Domino
JRED8DVKSU (LO58322) - Fixes issue where Domino's time will be wrong when DST is set to take place at a time other than 2am. If the DST change occurs at 11:59:59pm, DST will occur 22 hours early on Notes/Domino. If it occurs at midnight, it will be off by 2 hours because Domino does not actually change time until 2AM. This fix is OFF by default and controlled through a new Notes.ini DSTLAWTIME=x DSTLAWTIME not defined in Notes.ini -> Use default behavior of 2am for DST Begin, and 1am for DST End. DSTLAWTIME=Hour:Min;Hour:Min - Hour is 0-23, and Min is 0-59 - DST Time for the boundaries Begin/End. DSTLAWTIME=99 -> Windows only, use the value from stucture for DST Date Hour:Min. (technote 1687371)
TOCL9UJJU4 (LO84263) - Fixes issue where after installing the Domino JVM security patch, running Domino as a service no longer works
KLYH9QKT4B (LO82912) - Notes / Domino Support for TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security 1.2) with protocols: HTTP, SMTP, LDAP, POP3 & IMAP.
+RGAU9T8P4Y (LO83641) - Fixes LS2J Error With "Java Constructor Failed To Execute" after installing 901FP3. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP3. (technote 1696682)
JACE98S37Z (LO76425) - Fixes issue where when replying to a mail that includes a graphic image, "HTMLAPI Problem converting to HTML" error occurs.
TCHL9SST8V (LO83505) - Fixes security issue in NSD (technote 1700029)
TMAI8UAJH9 (LO69373) - Fixes issue where the "Date of Creation of a message in the mail database becomes out of sync with the date column in the inbox.
+TSOE8KCJCP (LO63227) - Fixes issue where Fixup does not repair corrupt database with UNID index problems. This is a regression in 8.5.1.
JMDK9MA6EJ (LO81366) - Fixes memory overwrite caused by Domino Server crash due to improper string length being returned
Web клиент iNotes
FLII9P8DA5 (LO82067) - Fixes issue where the message: "Wrong password entered for old password" error incorrectly appears when the user tries to change the password from iNotes in particular configurations. This is a regression in 8.5.3. (technote 1692952)
+MBOA9DDC3T (LO77864) - Fixed an issue where editing the subject of a message after Spell checking and choosing "Cancel Send" would result in the edits being ignored and sending the original subject. This is a regression in 9.0.
HMUH9Q58GQ (LO82455) - Fixed an issue where the error message "A problem has occurred which may have caused the current operation to fail" displayed when opening a specific email message with Internet Explorer 10.